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PRE-ENROL in SchoolZone

Get ready for the 2023-24 school year! Sign in to your parent SchoolZone account between March 6 to April 14 to select your child’s preferred school for next year.  

Whether your child is staying at the same school or changing schools, all students need to pre-enrol.   

Knowing how many students to expect helps schools prepare to welcome them in September.

If you need help, contact the school or go to Current Student Pre-Enrolment

Update your child’s current address with the school office before pre-enrolling in SchoolZone. 

New to the Division?
Whether you register early or right before 4 p.m. on April 14, your child’s chance of attending a school or program remains the same. Schools review all registrations after April 14, and registrations are not first-come, first-served.  Find the student registration form here.