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  • REGISTRATION FOR 2024-2025

    REGISTRATION FOR 2024-2025

    New Student Registration

    For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Prince Charles School is full in planned classes in 

    Full Day Kindergarten and Grades 3, 4 and 6 in the Awasis program. 

    We will no longer accept enrolment requests for these grade levels in this program.

    If your student is new to Edmonton Public Schools, please register them online  (new students).  You will need to include the following documentation:

    • a completed student registration form
    • legal proof of the student's name and age
    • proof of address

    Additional documentation may be required, including additional immigration documents. 

    Current Edmonton Public School Students

    Pre-enrol in SchoolZone 

    Get ready for the 2024–25 school year! Sign in to your parent SchoolZone account between February 1 and March 22 to select your child’s preferred school for next year. 

    Whether your child is staying at the same school or changing schools, all students need to pre-enrol. Knowing how many students to expect helps schools prepare to welcome them in September.

    If you need help, contact the school or read the pre-enrolment handout.

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  • Welcome to awâsis waciston School

    Welcome to awâsis waciston School

    We are so pleased to let you know that our school has a new name: awâsis waciston School.

    awâsis waciston is a Cree phrase meaning child nest. It is pronounced uh-wahh-sis wuh-chi-ston.

    Online and digital updates are underway, and the rollout of new signage and other changes at the school will take place over the next few months.

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  • School Hours

    School Hours

    Classes Begin at 8:35 am.


    A.M. Recess. 10:00-10:15     


    Lunchtime break. 11:35-12:05   


    P.M. Recess. 1:45-2:00   


    Dismissal time  3:25 pm  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

    Early dismissal every Thursday at 2:02 pm.

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We would like to acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux (So-toe), Blackfoot, Métis, Dene (De-nay) and Nakota Sioux (Sue). We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.







Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Prince Charles School, a wonderful place to learn, celebrate Indigenous culture and make new friends!

Our theme for 2023-2024 is   Building Friendship Through Kindness, Empathy and Compassion.

Our staff is excited to connect with families and embark on an educational journey with your child.

We value building relationships and engaging in open communication with our parents, students and staff.

Our goal is to guide students to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding so they are empowered to be successful academically and socially.  Teachers will program for “the child’s learning level” and with parent support, we are confident children will make academic gains.  Additional supports for students are available through our School Success Coach and the Division. 

We encourage parents to: 

  • Stay connected with your child’s teacher(s).  Parents can email the teacher or call the school and leave a message for the teacher to contact them.  Appointments for in-person or virtual meetings may also be scheduled.
  • Be active on SchoolZone Parents can access all information coming from the school and the Division, such as the latest updates, report cards, monthly newsletters and transportation (Where’s my Bus?) 

If you do not have your SchoolZone login information or login information for your child, contact the office to request your username and password. 

  • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for updates, photos and videos that highlight what’s happening at PC.


We follow the Code of the Golden Feather.  The values of Respect, Integrity, Humility and Honesty guide all our interactions at school and within the community.  We have complete confidence that students are capable of following the Code of the Golden Feather.

For more detailed information, please read the Prince Charles School Handbook.

Lastly, a gentle reminder for parents to ensure the office has up-to-date contact and emergency information.


Let's all work together!


Judy Toews
